UCN source: Our publication “*External Moderation of Reactor Core Neutrons for Optimized Production of Ultra-Cold Neutrons” became a cover story for Volume 5, Issue 4 (December 2024) of Journal of Nuclear Engineering.
nEDM: our publication “MEOP based 3He polarization and injection system for experiments below 1K” is accepted to be published in JINST.
nEDM: In Dec 2024 NCSU team attended a kick-off meeting for the European nEDMSF collaboration held at ILL in Grenoble, France. The goal of the workshop was to clarify the global availability of resources and to build a strong global collaboration to execute the R&D phases with the clear goal to perform a next-generation nEDM search at the ESS in Lund. Just before the meeting, the forming nEDMSF collaboration submitted an extended beam proposal to ILL to perform a UCN Production/Detection experiment. The proposal was approved for a beam time in 2027.
nEDM: In September a joint DFG/NSF proposal was submitted for funding two R&D experiments at Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL, ILL Neutrons for Society) in collaboration with European universities.